The 16th NAU 21st Century Exhibition
Venue: The National Art Center,…

Events in which Inada Sōsai participated in 2018
January 5, 2018
Presented at the Commemorative Symposium on the Founding of Bokujinkai at Wajun…

We’ve updated character examples from Placard for Reading Sutras by Daitō Kokushi (Zen Master Shūhō Myōchō, 1282–1338) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery
1. Placard for Reading Sutras by Daitō Kokushi (Zen Master Shūhō Myōchō, 1282–1338…

We’ve updated character examples from 建中告身帖by Yan Zhenqing (709–785) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery
1. Yan Zhenqing (709–785) 建中告身帖

Performance of Writing Enormous Characters
The First Bokujin member performance of writing enormous characters at the 112th Bokujin Public Kyoto Exhibi…

The 112th Bokujin Public Kyoto Exhibition
The 112th Bokujin Public Kyoto Exhibition was held.

Nikkei Shimbun Newspaper Interview on Morita Shiryū
The Nikkei Shimbun newspaper published an article on our teacher Morita Shiryū (November 5, 2017)
Work published …

The 10th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition
The 10th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition was held.

Bokujinkai Summer Retreat
We held a Bokujinkai summer retreat at Green Park Omoide no Mori in Kutsuki village, Takashima City

The 111th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition
The 111th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition was held.

The 49th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition
The 49th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition was held.