The 8th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition
The 8th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition was held.

Character examples of Huang Tingjian have been updated in our Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery.
Character examples of Huang Tingjian
1. Su Shi Album…

Character examples of Huang Tingjian have been updated in our Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery.
Li Bai’s Poem Reminiscing the Past (Li Taibai yi jiu…

Announcing the Launch of Calligrapher Inada Sōsai’s Official Site
It was by chance that I decided to create a website.
I am an old man who cannot…

The 107th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition
The 107th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition was held.
Dates: Saturday,…

The 47th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition
The 47th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition was held.
Dates: Tuesday, March 31 to Sunday,…

The 13th NAU 21st Century Exhibition
Inada exhibited in the 13th NAU 21st Century Exhibition.

Events in which Inada Sōsai participated in 2015
January 5
Commemorative Symposium on the Founding of Bokujinkai
At Shōgo-in Goten-sō
February 4…

The 7th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition
The 7th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition was held.
Dates: Thursday, October 16 to Sunday, October 19, 2014

The 106th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition
The 106th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition was held.

The 105th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition
The 105th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition was held
Dates: Friday, April 25 to Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The 46th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition
The 46th Bokujin Kansai Exhibition was held.
Dates: Tuesday, April 1 to Sunday, April 6, 2014