We’ve updated character examples from Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery

「空海 灌頂記」原帖


1. Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835)

<安> Safe, content, to pacify
<良> Good
<安良> Safe and good
<暁> Dawn
<兄> Older brother
<兄人> Older brother
<恵> Wisdom
<見> See
<康> Health, peace, abundant
<香> Fragrant, fragrance
<師> Master
<衆> Populace
<仁> Benevolent
<澄> To clear
<千智> A thousand wisdoms
<忠> Devotion
<貞道> Correct path
<福> Fortune
<満> Complete, satisfied
<未> Not yet
<茂> To flourish
<暦> Calendar, time
<國> Nation, country
<榮> Splendor, to flourish