
Announcements on the 116th Bokujin Public Yokohama Exhibition

Dates: Wednesday, September 4 to Sunday, September 8, 2019 Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except…

The 115th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition

Inada exhibited in the 115th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition. Venue:…

The 51st Bokujin Kansai Exhibition

Inada exhibited in the 51st Bokujin Kansai Exhibition. Venue:…

A Gathering in Honor of Inada Sōsai

Bokujinkai members held a party in my honor on April 6, 2019, from 6:00 p.m. at the Hotel Monterey Kyoto./p> …
墨人 稻田宗哉書作展 会場風景2
墨人 稻田宗哉書作展 会場風景1
墨人 稻田宗哉書作展のご報告

Announcements for the Bokujin Inada Sōsai Exhibition

Thanks to all of you, we were able to successfully hold this exhibition with over a thousand visitors. Thank…
墨人 稻田宗哉 書作展

Bokujin Inada Sōsai Exhibition

I had the opportunity to exhibit approximately eighty…

The 17th NAU 21st Century Exhibition

Inada exhibited in the 17th NAU 21st Century Exhibition…
2019年 稻田宗哉参加行事

Events in which Inada Sōsai participated in 2019

January 5, 2019 Commemorative Symposium on the Founding of Bokujinkai at Chion-in Wajun Kaikan Talking to Inada…
比田井天来没後80年記念 天来の会書展

Tenrai Group Calligraphy Exhibition to Commemorate the 80th Memorial of Hidai Tenrai

Inada exhibited in the Tenrai Group Calligraphy Exhibition to Commemorate the…