「唐太宗 温泉銘」の臨書ギャラリーを更新しました

Character examples from the Inscription of the Hot Spring by Emperor Taizong (Li Shimin; 598–649) have been updated in our Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery

Contents 1.Inscription of the Hot Spring by Emperor Taizong (Li Shimin; 598–649) <以涼><陰柱>…

We updated the Gallery!

We updated the Artworks Gallery!

The 52nd Bokujin Kansai Exhibition

Exhibited in the 52nd Bokujin Kansai Exhibition Venue:…

The 18th NAU 21st Century Exhibition

Inada exhibited at the 18th NAU 21st Century Exhibition at the National Art Center, Tokyo Venue:…
「唐太宗 温泉銘」の臨書ギャラリーを更新しました

Events in which Inada Sōsai participated in 2020

January 5, 2020 Commemorative Symposium for the Founding of Bokujinkai Professor Toshimaro Ama,…

We updated the Gallery!

We updated the Artworks Gallery!

Happy New Year!

Last year, I had a solo exhibition at the Museum of Kyoto in April, and in October, we published the catalog…
Morita Shiryū Catalogue Raisonné: 1952-1998

Morita Shiryū: Catalogue Raisonné, 1952–1998

Morita Shiryū: Catalogue Raisonné, 1952–1998 Editor: Ina…
森田子龍全作品集 1952-1998 発刊

The Publication of Morita Shiryū: Catalogue Raisonné, 1952–1998

Morita Shiryū: Catalogue Raisonné, 1952–1998 Editor: Ina…
第12回 書の森展

The 12th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition

Inada exhibited at the 12th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition. Venue:…

The 116th Bokujin Public Yokohama Exhibition

Inada exhibited in the 116th Bokujin Public Yokohama Exhibition. Exhibited…