「虞世南 積時帖」の臨書ギャラリーを更新しました

Character examples from Yu Shinan’s Album of Accumulated Time have been updated in our Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery.

Contents 1.Album of Accumulated Time by Yu Shinan (558–638) <積> Accumulate <陰> Yin <寒> Cold…
「顔真卿 祭姪稿」の臨書ギャラリーを更新しました

Character examples from Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew have been updated in the Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery.

Contents <圖><穀><何><摧><刺史> <挺><陥><傾><戩><戩> <毎慰><死> …

Year-end Reflections

Art Newspaper, Comments on “Year-end Reflections 2021” Special Issue on Year-end Reflections 1. Nam…

The 14th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition

From the 14th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition Venue: Art Space Yokaan in Kyoto Dates: Tuesday,…

The 14th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition

The 14th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition Venue: Art Space Yokaan, Kyoto Dates: Tuesday, October…

The 120th Bokujin Public Exhibition

Inada exhibited in the 120th Bokujin Public Exhibition. Venue: Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto Dates: Tuesday,…

Sumi no Geijutsu (Ink Art) Magazine, Shūbi (“Cultivating Beauty”)

Sumi no Geijutsu (Ink Art) Magazine, Shūbi (“Cultivating Beauty”), Special Feature of Representative Call…
「空海 灌頂記」の臨書ギャラリーを更新しました

We’ve updated Characters from Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery

Contents 1.Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835) <満><仲世><金剛>…

The 119th Bokujin Public Exhibition in Tokyo

The work that was planned to be exhibited in the Bokujin Public Exhibition in Tokyo, which was canceled due to COVID-19. Work…

We updated the Gallery!

We updated the Artworks Gallery!

We updated the Gallery!

We updated the Artworks Gallery!