The 17th NAU 21st Century Exhibition
Inada exhibited at the 17th NAU 21st Century Exhibition
Dates: Wednesday, February 6 to Sunday,…

2019 New Year Greeting, Wishing All a Happy New Year!
In April, Inada had a solo exhibition at the Museum of Kyoto. He continues to strive forward.

The 11th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition
Inada exhibited at the 11th Forest of Calligraphy Exhibition.

The 114th Bokujin Public Exhibition
The 114th Bokujin Public Exhibition was held.

We’ve updated character examples from Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery
1. Kanjōki (Record of Esoteric Buddhist Initiation) by Kūkai (774–835)
<安> Safe, con…

We’ve updated character examples from Placard for Reading Sutras by Daitō Kokushi (Zen Master Shūhō Myōchō, 1282–1338) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery
1. Placard for Reading Sutras by Daitō Kokushi (Zen Master Shūhō Myōchō, 1282–1338)

We’ve updated character examples from Offertory Prayer by Prince Ito (801–861) in Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery
1. Offertory Prayer by Prince Ito (801–861)

The 113th Bokujin Public Exhibition in Tokyo
The 113th Bokujin Public Exhibition in Tokyo was held.

The 50th Commemorative Bokujin Kansai Exhibition
The 50th Commemorative Bokujin Kansai Exhibition was held.

Announcements on the 113th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition
The 113th Bokujin Public Tokyo Exhibition was held.
Dates: Saturday, May 12 to Friday, May 18,…

Contemporary Poetry Exhibition in Spain
Inada exhibited in a contemporary poetry exhibition in Leon, Spain.

We have been holding regular calligraphy practices
Venue: Bokujin Kansai Group Regular Meeting (Kyoto), Forest of Calligraphy Regular Meeting (Uji) venues