Character examples of Huang Tingjian have been updated in our Rinsho (Exemplary Calligraphic Models) Gallery.

「黄庭堅 伏波神祠詩巻」原帖【伏波神祠詩巻】

「黄庭堅 松風閣詩巻」原帖【松風閣詩巻】

「黄庭堅 李太白憶旧遊詩巻」原帖【李太白憶旧遊詩巻】

Li Bai’s Poem Reminiscing the Past (Li Taibai yi jiu you shi juan)

Character examples of Huang Tingjian

1. Collection of Poems on the Fubo Shrine

2. Collection of Poems from the Pine Wind Pavilion

3. Li Bai’s Poem Reminiscing the Past (Li Taibai yi jiu you shi juan)